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Download Free Down And Up Mass Program Jim Stoppani Workout

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by dabsaireda1981 2020. 3. 16. 14:10


The pump is the rapid expansion in the size of muscles during a workout. Simply put, the pump is the filling up of muscle cells with water. When you train, you produce waste products in the muscle cells.

These waste products are the result of burning glucose and fat to fuel muscle contractions, and their build-up inside muscle cells draws water in from blood in the capillaries that feed the muscle and the area surrounding the cells.As with a balloon, the more water the muscle cell can hold, the bigger the pump. The pump essentially places a stretch on the muscle cell. This stretch not only makes muscles momentarily bigger, but it also initiates biochemical pathways that signal the muscle cell to grow.Training with high reps causes a greater flow of blood to the trained muscles; the muscle contractions stimulate blood to move in that direction.

High reps essentially create more waste products in muscle fibers, which is due to greater muscle fatigue. Greater fatigue can instigate pathways in the muscle cells that essentially lead to higher muscle protein synthesis, particularly when ample protein is available. And that can lead to visibly greater muscle growth over time.Supplementing with beta-alanine during this intense training program will lead to higher carnosine levels and retention in the body. Here’s why that’s important: Higher carnosine levels buffer and delay lactic acid build-up in the muscle, helping to extend endurance, expedite recovery and even enhance mental focus. The end result leads to building muscle faster.But this program isn’t just about high reps.

To truly spark greater muscle growth, you need to ramp up the intensity. That’s why each workout in the 28 Days to Redemption program also includes intensity techniques like pre-exhaust, supersets, tri-sets, drops sets, rest-pause, and my “Alternating Fatigue” technique.During the program, workouts focus on just two or three muscle groups per session. Each muscle group will be trained just once a week due to the high reps, high volume (total number of sets), intensity techniques, and short rest periods.Keep rest to no more than 90 seconds between sets, or as specified for each training protocol. And keep in mind: Hitting the prescribed rep range only matters on the first set of each exercise. On subsequent sets, keep the weight the same on all successive sets and complete as many reps as you can (to failure). Weekly ProgressAnother concept this program employs is progressive overload.

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This will occur over the course of four weeks, as follows:Week 1 has you pre-exhausting each muscle group with an isolation (single-joint) exercise before doing compound (multijoint) moves. Intensity Techniques KeyRest-Pause – After reaching failure on the set, put the weight down, rest 10-20 seconds, then continue doing reps with the same weight until reaching failure again.

That’s one rest-pause.Drop Set – After reaching failure on the set, immediately decrease the weight by 20%-30% and, without resting, rep out to failure again using the lighter weight. That’s one drop set.Superset – Two exercises performed back-to-back without resting. Rest is taken after the second exercise in the pairing is complete, before moving onto the next superset.Tri-Set – Three exercises performed back-to-back-to-back without resting. Rest is taken after the third exercise in the trio is complete.

Efficiency In Action'I think my overall training philosophy can be summed up in the old bodybuilding adage: Everything works, nothing works forever,' says Jim. So Jim consistently changes his workouts. 'I change the exercises, the weight, the rep ranges, the rest periods, how fast I perform each rep, and how frequently I train each muscle group each week.

That's the essence of all my programs—they're constantly changing from week to week. I'm also a firm believer in periodization,' explains Jim. 'I often combine different periodization models into one program.'

Download Free Down And Up Mass Program Jim Stoppani Workout Plan

Says Jim, 'If I'm not in the gym training, then I'm not doing my job, because that's when I'm learning and making up new exercises and creating new programs.' Jim also has to stay in shape so that he's camera-ready for photo and video shoots.

'I need to be as muscular as possible, but also as lean as possible. So at this stage of my training, I'm more focused on staying conditioned than I am about getting bigger and stronger.' What is cardio acceleration?' I'm a natural athlete,' says Jim. 'At 45 years old, I'm pretty much at my genetic peak for gaining size.

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I'm not going to get much bigger than I already am. Of course I'm always trying to push it to the next step, but I'm never going into this huge mass-gaining phase because I'm trying to stay lean.

Any mass that I do gain will be very lean.' To stay lean, Jim likes to use what he calls 'cardio acceleration.'

Instead of working the treadmill for hours, Jim does 60-90 seconds of a high-intensity movement between all of his regular sets. 'It's really the only way I train now because it's so efficient. It keeps me lean and allows me to build muscle and gain strength.' Think you'd be tired of training after doing it for more than 30 years?

Jim disagrees. 'This happens to be what I really love doing. It's not like I need motivation to go to the gym. It's something that I wake up and can't wait to do. It's fun for me.' Jim's Training SplitI'm currently finishing up my 'Down-And-Up Mass Program' and this week the workouts are as follows.

I do 60-90 seconds of cardio acceleration between every set. Step-by-Step InstructionsQuickly read through our step-by-step directions to ensure you're doing eachworkout correctly the first time, every time.Important Notes:After reaching failure on the second set rest 15-20 seconds and then do as many reps as possible until you reach failure again. Then immediately reduce the weight by 20-30% and complete as many reps as possible until reaching muscle failure again.Don't rest on the cable rotation exercises. After completing this exercise on both sides immediately repeat with the side you started with all the way though the rest pause and dropsets until all 4 sets are completed on each side.